Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Posuda za zalijevanje cvijeća / Watering flowers

Pa, s obzirom na to kako često pišem o tome kako sam napravila koji cvijet, možete primijetiti da jako, ali baš jako volim cvijeće. Živo... umjetno... mirisno... doma napravljeno... nije važno. Ali problem je što moje živo cvijeće nije baš sretno sa mnom. Hm... možda će biti sretnije kada ga budem zalijevala iz ove vesele i šarene posude. Nadajmo se!

Well, considering how often I write about how I made which flower, you may notice that I really, really, really like flowers. Alive... artificial ... fragrant ... home made... paper... fabric​​... it does not matter. But the problem is that my living flowers is not happy with me. Hm ... it may be happier when I start watering it with this fun and colorful pot. Let's hope so!

 A koliko boca od tekućeg deterdženta bacimo...Ovu sam spasila od njene tužne sudbine i postala je "zalivača".

How many bottles do we throw?! This one is from liquid detergent. I saved it from sad destiny and it become happy "watering something".

 Ogulimo etiketu / Peel the label

 Acetonom očistimo ostatke ljepila i brojeve roka trajanja. / Remove glue and date numbers with aceton or alcohol.

Nacrtamo što god nam srce želi / Draw whatever you like

Obojamo nekim bojama koje se ne otapaju u vodi. Ja sam koristila boje za stakla.

Paint it with some colors that do not dissolve in water
Simpatično, zar ne?!

It is sweet :

I like it a lot!

I'm linking at:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Lovely Crafty Home — When you do it yourself, it's so much more fun!

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