Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Haljina - Refashion - Dress

O daaa!
Od maxi suknje koja je bila baš one nezgodne dužine da je ne mogu nositi (i malo preširoka), napravila sam sebi haljinicu :)


I made really nice dress, and all I used is one maxi skirt (it was little bit to baggy, but short - if that has any sence...) Here we have another refashion! And, we love them, don't we?!

Materijal nije nimalo rastezljiv, tako da je bilo malo problema kada sam došla do područja ispod ruke. Zapravo sam htjela ostaviti rukave, ali je sve bilo previše stegnuto. Uglavnom, mislim da su slike prilično detaljno objasnile što sam radila (da, doista je tako jednostavno). Ali, morate zapamtiti da sam poslije svakog koraka probavala "haljinu" i tako provjeravala kako bi bilo najbolje nastaviti.

I don't know what is that material, but it isn't stretchable at all. That's why I had minor problems whem I started to make arm holes. And, that chest area is quite tight. Mine idea was to have long sleeves, but it is imposible with this material (well, imposible for me). 
Anyway, I belive that you'll figure out proces with those photos. After every step, I would try "dress", so that's how I decided what is going to be mine next step.

 Mislim da je cijeli proces (sa presvlačenjima i probavanjem) trajao pola sata :) Što mislite, je li dobro iskorištenih pola sata?

This is easy and fast project (about half an hour - with trying). Do you like it?

 I'm linking up on those lovely parties.

UPDATE: I changed color of this dress. Come here and see :)

2. UPDATE: I changed another skirt. This one is with out sewing :)))) Come and see here.

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