Od stare žarulje (koja je mjesecima čekala svoj red za makeover) sam napravila leteći balon. Ideja nije moja. Ovakve leteće balone sam vidjela na blogu Art drops. I stvarno smatram da su to mala umjetnička djela (baloni na tom blogu, a ne općenito). I to ne samo baloni, na tom pregenijalnom mjestu ćete sigurno pronaći toliko veselih a tako lijepih stvari koje će vas oduševiti.
Using old bulb I made flying balloon. Inspiration is from genius blog Art drops. Her balloons are peace of art! I mean ti!
Here is how I made mine flying balloon:
I've seen some kind of vases out of bulbs. Mine first idea was to make them. Well, I had a problem. After you remove that metal part, you get... some kind of hole, but I couldn't remove this lighting part. So... here is mine bulb, waiting for me for a last few months. You'll see what did I do.

(Yes, those are bobby pins ;) )

And, this red "basket" is Coca-cola plastic cap.
I'm linking up on those lovely parties.
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