Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ledeni vijenac / Frozen Wreath

Prva dva dana je bilo zanimljivo i grudanje i snjegovići i anđeli u snijegu. ALI nakon trećeg dana sveprisutnog leda i općeg kaosa, više nije bilo toooliko zanimljivo. 
Ipak, u svemu moramo pronaći nešto dobro. Ovdje u Dalmaciji su inače zime toliko blage da led nikada ne preživi podne. (Molim lijepo, buru ne računamo, ona užasno štipa svojom hladnoćom, ali samo ljude. Živa na termostatu na buru baš i ne reagira toliko koliko bi trebala) . Zato ovo vrijeme možemo iskoristiti za iskazivanje svoje kreativnosti u ledu!!! Napravila sam ledeni vijenac (modeliran u kalupu za kuglof - da, za kolač kuglof).

Istina, vijenac već dva dana živi u mom zamrzivaču jer se u Split vratilo sunce, ali s obzirom na najave za ovaj vikend... Ledeni vijenac će osvanuti na mojim vratima u svom svojem sjaju. (A budući, da su ovih dana isključene sve posjete i nitko mi na vrata ne kuca, lijepo mu se možete diviti ovdje, na blogu)

First of all, I'm sorry for my "broken" English. It doesn't sound write to me, too. That's why I (usually) try to have more photos and less words. 

As many of you know, I live in Croatia. It is one of Mediterranean countries. I can see sea from my window. We have a lot of sun, hot summers and mild winters. Well, we had mild winters. Last week started snowing. First time after many years. Like I sad, until now, we had mild winters so nobody was prepared. For three days whole town was paralyzed. (Just for the record, there was about 9 inches of snow - it was first time ever). There wasn't any bread, eggs and milk to buy. (At least, in my store). All schools and kindergartens where closed (and still are). Many operations in hospital are canceled. There wasn't any bus driving in the town.  Well, long story short: it is a chaos! 

Point of this story is that we HAVE TO find something good in everything. This is unique chance to make something frozen, which will last longer than a few hours. (to be honest, I'm keeping it in my fridge, but there is a rumor that it will be really cold today. So, I can't wait to display it on my front door.) 
I made few red pompons. I found some olive branches. And I used water (half of it was distilled). I froze all of it and I got a frozen wreath
Hope that you like it.

Inspiration is from here. This one is sooo beautifull.

I'm linking on some of those parties. Well, I preffer to link up tutorials, but I'll probably visit some of the parties with this post, too.

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