Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cvijet od svile / Silk Flower

Već sam napravila tutorial za ovakav cvijet. Ovdje. A danas samo želim podijeliti s vama jedan mali trik. Vjerojatno mnogi to već rade, ali meni je trebalo vremena da to smislim. Uglavnom, znate kako se svila ne može "slijepiti" kada se pale rubovi. (Jer svila nema plastike u sebi). I zato, unatoč tome što je palim, ipak se stvaraju resice. Ja ih riješavam na dva načina. Ili rub prođem prozirnim ljepilom ili lakom (naravno s dojnje strane). I nema više resanja :)

Do you remember mine tutorial with silk flower? You can see it here. Well, there is one thing with silk... If you burn edges, it doesn't mean that silk won't make fringes. Becouse, it is going to. (There isn't any plastic in that fabric, so you can't melt it). 

What do I do? I glue edges, or I apply nail polish. And, that's how I prevent fraying. (You probably knew this trick, but I spent a lot of time in getting there, so... I'm glad if I helped someone)

I'm linking up on those lovely parties.

I have big problem!

I can't upload any new photo. 

We have 1 GB of free memory space on Picasa web-album, and I've used it. Now, if I try to upload new photo, I get message that I should buy extra memory space. (And, I can't delete any old photo in Picasa, in order to make space, because, it will be deleted from mine blog too. )

Do I really have to buy that memory space???

Is there any trick to avoid that???

Does any of you know what would be smart (and CRAFT-y) thing to do?

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