Ovo ("Prije") nisu moje cipele!!! Prvi put ih vidim. Stvarno ne znam odakle u mom ormaru.
(Ok, istina sijećam se i kada sam ih kupila i jedinog puta kada sam ih obula. Da, to je bilo u vrijeme "špicoka") Godinama, godinama leže na dnu ormara jer su mi stvarno prestrašno ružne (praktički, sve ovo što sam odrezala je višak i nije služilo ničemu drugom nego da plaši malu djecu)! Vjerojatno najružnije cipele koje sam vidjela u cijelom svom životu. Opcija je bila ili smeće ili ću ja pokušati ih bar malo srediti. Još nisam zadovoljna. Ali je bar malo bolje. Ako ništa, stvarno ih mogu nositi a da ne umirem od srama :)
Matea sa bloga
Forma Vero bi napravila odličnu preobrazbu (od nje sam ovo i vidila). A ja se volim u sve petljat i svašta pokušavat, pa sam i ja probala. Možda da drugi put cipele (i borše...) ipak njoj prepustim?!
"Prije" / "Before":I have no idea whose shoes are those from "Before". I don't understand how did they appear in my closet.
(Ok, I remember when I bought them and I remember the only one time when I was wearing them) It's been a years since I didn't weare them. They are ugly. Those are probably the ugliest shoes I ever seen. I had two options, first was to throw them in rubbish. The second one is to try to safe them. I'm not very satisfied how they turned out, but I think it is, at least, little better.
Matea, from blog
Forma Vero, would make fabulous transform (she did it first). But, I like to try everything so I tried. Maybe, it would be better that I let her to deal with shoes (and bags...)?!
"Poslije" / "After":
1. step
Odrezala sam vrh cipele mjereći po vrhovima prstiju. Koristila sam neke ogromne škare, ali zapravo sam mogla koristiti oštri skalper, s njime sam kasnije poravnavala i oblikovala vrh i išlo je jako jednostavno.
I cut off a the top of the shoe (I payed attention that my toes are still in the shoe). I used some huge scissors, but actually I could use a sharp scalpel. I aligned and formed the top of the shoes with it and it went very easily.
2. step
3. step
Zarezala sam sa strane onoliko koliko je trebalo materijala ukloniti.
I cut at the bouth sides. I cut as much as needed to be removed. (but I left it there)
4. step
Višak materijala sam podvrnula u cipelu i zalijepila.
I inserted back in the shoe excess material and I glued.
5. step
Ostavila sam da se ljepilo suši preko noći.
I left glue to dry over night.
Malo sam oblikovala vrh i to je sve.
I shaped the top of shoes a little bit. And, that's it :)
Sada razmišljam kako bi ih "uneozbiljila", Malo su pre... "preopasne" za mene. Nekako nisu ja.
But, I'm not happy, yet. They are too dark, too "dangerous" for me. They are not "Me". I have to think about how to make them little softer.
A vrhovi cipela?! Iako bi možda poslužile kao uši za kostim žene-mačke, ipak (budući da mi stvarno, ali stvarno ne trebaju) su završile u smeću. :)))
What about tops of the shoes?!
They could become ears for catwomen costume, but (since I don't REALLY need them) they ended in trash. :)))
I'm linking up at:
typeadecorating.blogspot.com trophyw.blogspot.comSomeday Crafts www.bluecricketdesign.netgingersnapcrafts.blogspot.comgoodbyecityhellosuburbs.blogspot.comsugaranddots.comtwindragonflydesigns.blogspot.com(Thursday)
http://thirtyhandmadedays.com/www.happyhourprojects.comwww.smallfineprint.com -
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