Moja braća svoje rasporede i svakakve obavijesti lijepe na zid. Prošle godine je brat (tada 12 god) od negdje izvukao nekakvu reklamnu tablu i stavio je na zid da to bude njegova oglasna ploča. I bila je punih godinu dana. Slova je okrenuo prema zidu a koristio je poleđinu. Ove jeseni sam se ja uhvatila te ploče i vratila mu je prekrasnu :)
My brothers hold on the wall their schedules and all sorts of information. Last year my brother (then 12 years old) pulled some sort of sign board, from somewhere, and placed it on the wall. It suposed to be his pinboard. And it did it's job for a whole year. He turned letters toward the wall and used the back. This fall, I grabbed it and I returned beautiful board to him :)
Lagana je jer je punjena nečim pjenastim. Idealno za visit na zidu a tako je jednostavno stavljati pribadače.
This board is so light becouse it is made of something foamy. It is ideal for hanging on the wall and it is so easy to put pins in it.
Sve što sam učinila je da sam je zamotala u tkaninu. A tkaninu sam učvrstila ovim pribadačama koje vidite dolje.
I wraped board in the fabric, and that is actually all I did. I used those pins (you can see them on the picture down) to secure fabric on board.
Sviđa se i meni i braći :) A najbolje od svega je što je sve bilo potpuno besplatno. Brat je ploču pronašao (odbačenu), a tkaninu sam imala u svojoj zalihi.
Me and my brothers love it :) The best thing is that it was completly FREE. My brother found that board (abanded) and I had this fabric in my stash.
Naravno, oni su skinuli ovaj cvijet. Muški :)
They took of this flower, of course. Guys :)
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