Thursday, October 6, 2011

Za mobitel / Mobile accessories

Vjerojatno svi sa djecom u kući imaju i hrpu onih malih igračkica iz kinder jaja. E pa, ovdje je jedna ideja što možete učiniti s njima :) 
Iskreno, meni se nikada nisu sviđali ovi accessoriesi za mobitel. Nekako su mi... previše. Ali ovog svog, domaći napravljenog sam čak i nosila nekoliko dana. (A jedan se sprema za božićne poklone, ali pssst, nemojte nikome reć :) )

Probably anyone who has children at home also have a bunch of those little tiny toys from Kinder Suprise. Well, here's an idea of ​​what you can do with them :)

Honestly, I never liked these accessories for your cell phone. Somehow they are ... too much for me. But this, mine, home made​​, I even wore a few days. (And one is saved for Christmas presents, pssst, don't tell anyone:))
Ova igračka je već imala rupu kroz koju mogu provući traku, ali ako nema, malo zagrijete pribadaču i probušite. Zatim trakom spojite igračku i mobitel, i to je cijeli proces. Zgodno i jednostavno, zar ne :)

This toy has already had a hole through which I can pull the tape, but if there is not a hole, warm up the pin a little bit and drill with it. Then with ribbon connect a toy and a cell phone, and it is the whole process. Nice and simple, right :)

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